HiitMafia - RTC Initiation - Day 13.

Часть 1. 10 Manmakers Часть 2. 1. 10 High Knees, 2 Jump Squats 2. One Leg Jump Rope (10x each leg) 3. Burpee, Elbows to Knees 4. Double High Knees 5. Elbow Up Burpees 6. Jump Rope 7. Box Jumps 8. Dive Bomber, Chest Press 9. Double Unders 10. 10x Toe Taps, 10x Mountain Climbers 11. Sandbag shoulder to shoulder thrust 12. Jump Forward, 2x Hops Back Затем выполните 20 повторений упражнения из 1-й части.
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