Текст с Bandcamp’а:
“Do I have to be good
Or do I have to be bad
It doesn’t matter at all
You just need a key
Do I have to be right
or do I have to be left
It doesn’t matter at all
You just need a key
In the eyes of God
We are all the same
It’s pretty cool
when you got what it takes
no matter who you are
When we come to the Heaven’s Gate
All our virtues will become none
Prince of Peace
Lamb of God
The only truth
We will face
Do I have to be a capitalist
Or do I have to be a communist
It doesn’t matter at all
You just need a key
Do I have to be a British
Or do I have to be a Japanese
It doesn’t matter at all
You just need a key
In the eyes of God
It doesn’t make no difference
It’s pretty sweet
when you got what it takes
no matter who you are
When we come to the Heaven’s Gate
All our evils will become none
Cleanse by blood
Cross to bear
The only truth
We will be asked
Do you think you are right
Maybe you’re wrong
Do you think you are safe
Maybe you’re wrong
Because no one is safe from the wrath of God
No one is safe from the wrath of God
Ask yourself and we are all guilty
We need our redeemer
We need a help from that guy
(guitar solo)
When you come to the Heaven’s Gate
Can you open the door
Have you got the key
Do you know who has the key
It’s not about right or wrong
It’s not about good or bad
It’s all about believe and trust
Is your door open
Is your heart open
Can you unlock the heaven’s gate
When you accept HIM
He will accept YOU
Now are you ready for the moment
Your truth is RIGHT HERE
from Revive The World, released October 13, 2015“
8 months ago 01:32:53 1
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