Текст с Bandcamp’а:
“If there is a place called Hell
It should look like this
I don’t quite remember when I was alive last time
Everyday looks quite the same here
He came in secret
Just to rescue me
He was
He was The Imaginary Number Boy
He was counting in imaginary numbers
Making miracles out of ashes
I saw unicorns fly, dinosaurs run
He even offered me 5,000 Sushi
He came in secret
Just to rescue me
He was dressed in 9.3 (Mark 9:3)
He was the Imaginary Number Boy
He said
Things you can see they are not so real
Things you cannot see they are a little bit more real
But if you’re talking about a real thing
Just feel me inside, I’m always there
I saw that
He was made of the imaginary numbers
Making everything out of nothing
He even offered me 7,000 Sashimi
and I ate them all
He came in secret
Just to rescue me
His cell phone number was 333 (Jeremiah 33:3)
He was the Imaginary Number Boy
from Revive The World, released October 13, 2015“
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