Daar Ging Er Een Scheepje (There Went A Ship) - NSB song by Franz Bankman and Piet Heins
This is “Daar Ging Er Een Scheepje“, “There Went A Ship“, a song of the Dutch NSB. The song uses a ship called “The Capital“ as an allegory for the Netherlands, there are more captains than sailors on the ship, the captains of whom differ widely in opinion, and argue amongst themselves, despite the navigator, the Leader of the N. S. B. (Anton Mussert) warning them of the danger of such action.
The ship breaks down, and is stranded, all of the captains blame the navigator. However, he has left to build a new ship, one called “Our Ideals“, on his ship there is no place for the captains of the old ship - his ship is crewed by the members of his party, and he is the helmsman, charting a new course.
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