Flutterwonder - TaisiKP meets Underpony and PinkiePieSwear
It’s a Remix of a Remix of a Remix!
Download Here:
Basically, I was inspired by UnderpΩny’s piano part in his version of the song and I love PPS’s original, which is based off of Daniel Ingram’s “So Many Wonders“.
UnderpΩny -
PinkiePieSwear -
Daniel Ingram’s Original -
I do hope you enjoy it! I know I enjoyed making it! I’m especially proud of the 3rd, transitional, and final stanzas of the song. I remixed the audio I had to create new verses. I do hope you enjoy those deviations from the norm!
The audio in this video was remixed.... again. Hahaha. Yes, “Remixception“ once more. Either way, The mediafire