Flutterwonder INSANE

Thought I wasn’t going to do it? Well, I was going to do it, I just wanted to do Trixie’s Good Side first. This is my christmas present to you, my subscribers. It’s not much, nothing huge, and not an actual video, but I like to think this is just as good. Merry Christmas to all 300 of you all! So, sit back, relax, and listen to this nice and relaxing song. Weaponized happiness, now made longer! I hope you all enjoy this. Here’s an extra christmas present for you all. My Synchtube. It has all of my INSANE’s in upload order, and I have one video that’s ulisted, mostly due to the fact because it’s not pony related, but if you want to give it a listen, feel free to come in, it’s open to all! # Shortened for YouTube: Download is 15 minutes like always Original: INSANE Download: Wallpaper: http://SonicRai
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