Flutterwonder (PinkiePieSwear)

PinkiePieSwear Archive: Note: The original upload of this is still up on Youtube. Unfortunately, Youtube flagged it as Made For Kids and deleted all of its comments. Matt R blurred the video to get Youtube to take it off Made For Kids. It worked, as the video is no longer set to Made For Kids, but Youtube disabled the option to un-blur the video. So it looks like the original video is now stuck blurred. The original upload: (if you want to leave a comment than leave a comment on the original upload) Here is an also amazing remix of this song by SoGreatandPowerful: Note that the same made for kids issue and the blurring also happened to Tridashie’s “Twidash Can Can“, so I re-uploaded that here: Original Upload: August 16, 2011 by Matt R Video Archive Link
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