America’s Populists Join in on Anti-China War Propaganda

When consensus for war is reached on the left and right of American politics, the march toward inevitable war is rarely stopped. Watching Breaking Points - what many might have believed was “progressive left” in the United States - invite an adjunct fellow at an arms/oil/banking-funded think tank on to sell war with China is a warning sign of just how dangerously close the US is to reaching that “consensus.” These daily videos (Monday to Friday) are published first for Platinum Sponsors and above first, then made public later on in the week. Thank you for your support and making this work possible! References: Breaking Points - Jacob Helberg: How We AVOID War With China Over Taiwan | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar: CSIS - Jacob Helberg: CSIS - Government Donors: CSIS - Corporation and Trade Association Donors: Australian
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