Selwyn Lloyd replies to Soviet speech at UNO (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit UNO conference in Paris rejects Soviet proposal Full Description: PARIS: France: INT LLOYD SELWYN (1904-1978) Replies to Vishinsky’s accusation of U.S. of plotting aggression at Political Committee at Paris PARIS. At UNO Political Committee Vishinsky accuses U.S. of plotting aggression.. Mr Selwyn Lloyd taken defeating Russian motion . In Paris meeting at Political Committee Vishinsky accuses U.S. of plotting aggression .. Britain’s Minister of State, Mr Selwyn Lloyd replies .. speech by both .. vote is taken rejecting red motion. VISHINSKY, Andrey (1883-1954) M. Vishinsky accuses U.S. of plotting aggression at Political Committee and UNO in Paris... Britain’s Minister of State replies refuting motion.. vote rejects motion.. sound United Nations; France Diplomats, diplomacy, resolution, USSR, United
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