Bulganin And Khrushchev Visit Downing Street (1956)

London. Britain’s Prime Minister Anthony Eden leaving a car outside 10 Downing Street. Prime Minister of USSR Nikolai Bulganin and Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Nikita Khrushchev arriving and entering 10 Downing Street. Police car outside No 10. Close up shot of cameraman filming. Small girl looking on. Crowd outside No 10 Downing Street. Several close up shots of people in crowd. Bulganin and Khrushchev leaving No 10 in car, waving at door, Eden at door saying goodbye. Cars leaving. Crowd waving. Crowd leaving. Winston Churchill arriving for dinner at No 10 in a car at night. He enters the building. Clement Attlee arriving and entering No 10 at night, crowd looking on, police at door. Selwyn Lloyd arriving. Herbert Morrison walking across the street towards No 10 at night. Hugh Gaitskell walking across the street end enters No 10. Rab Butler arriving in car. Bulganin and Khrushchev arriving in car at night. They leave car and enter No 10. Crowd outside No 10 Downing Street at night. (
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