「ロックマンX7」Rockman X7 Walkthrough (JP, ENG SUB) — Part 10, Crimson Palace - Soul Asylum, Sigma (FIN)
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Let’s pray this video doesn’t get claimed because I’ve inserted the full version of LAZY MIND in the credits.
About emulation, I think I can emulate X7 without any fear because I own Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2 that does not want to run the games I needed well. Although I know this will not work when I’ll eventually need to record Command Mission. Blame CAPCOM for not re-releasing this game, Irregular Hunter X and GameBoy titles that are important.
There’re some audio lags here and there, and I now know how to solve that problem, but I don’t want to suffer my way through this game again (especially the last two stages). You still can read the subtitles.
Only voiced dialogues will be translated. This means that Alia’s navigation won’t be translated.
Timestamps for the story bits:
Dialogue with Sigma: 39:09
Scenes after that: 45:51 (54:53 for Zero’s ending)
Credits: 50:40
I’ve started the Crimson Palace in the previous video so this video won’t be longer than an hour. I’ve beaten Red with Axl\X combo (while using only Axl) but in that video I started it with Axl\Zero combo. Just wanted to use that combination for the last time before using the combo I’m actually good at. Hope no one minds this decision, my main goal was to show every voiced bit of the dialogue and translate it (as well as doing solo Axl VS Red, hehe).
So, we have 2 portals. Left one is more of a platforming challenge and the right one is an enemy ambush with Ride Armor. I actually didn’t knew the Ambush was to the right, I just went into that portal without thinking much.
Anyway, you’ll end up in one location - a room with icebreathing and firebreathing dog mechaniloids that are pretty wild. After this, we have probably the best designed place in a whole game (minus random stone ape heads with spikes flying back and forth) - the top of one of Crimson Palace’s towers. It just looks so beautiful... what happened to the palace after all this however? It wasn’t completely destroyed as we saw in the ending.
I had some issues with stone heads, but here you just need to get lucky and dasj while holding the down button.
Soul Asylum is a graveyard for fallen Red Alert members. A messed up version of Memorial Hall of the Repliforce if you will. If that room would’ve been silent - I would’ve been just a little bit scared, but with that distored melody and a bunch of DNA Souls seemingly spiring up to the sky, I’m just terrified, it all was more or less fine, now we need to destroy the souls of our fallen comrades? After Axl lost the person that was so dear to him?
How didn’t Axl can traumatized over this whole conflict for the rest of his life is as a big of a mystery as lost memories to Axl. And I decided to defeat every Irregular here with Axl too, haha.
I didn’t have problems with any of the Irregulars aside from Hellride Inobusky... For some reason that was the hardest one to defeat. I even died two times (and later I died some more times in the final bossfight) which led me to trying to beat Red as Axl only again... but I’m sorry, I tried, but I really wanted this stage to end so I had beaten Red again offscreen with a duo, not just solo Axl.
Also International version’s Hard Mode is Japanese Version’s Normal Mode. I needed to suffer for longer because of this.
And lag made this video 2 times longer.
After all is done, hunters go to the laggiest place in the game - an elevetor that... falls down and never reaches the bottom of the palace?
Sigma appears in his new body and thanks hunters for taking out “unworthy ones“ for him. X is suprised that Sigma is back, why, and the Baldie says that he’ll continue to come back until X and Zero’s lives were his.
I like this fight, even though it’s not that easy (and even though Sigma is a douchebag that teleports to the place where you can be standing). This Sigma is “a walking arsenal“ and he sometimes even attacks from the background (these attacks are quite eazy to dodge). His weaknes are Karasting’s weapons. I could’ve used them, but I thought Charge Shot and Voltornado were doing good job already (also Sigma can block, so I didn’t want to risk).
Then Sigma grows in size (this form is his biggest body ever and I call it “Oni Sigma“ ’cuz of the looks) and we need to battle him while jumping on the platforms with the camera being bad at doing its job. This was a nightmare and I can’t give you any advice aside from stand in one exact place and dash away when you feel like Sigma is gonna punch ya. He has 3 weaknesses, but the most useful ones are Gaea Shield and Charged Splash Laser. Also, at one point in the battle, Sigma loses his Oni helmet, so he probably isn’t really an Oni Sigma then.
I don’t have place to write. For my final words on X7, go to the comment section.
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