During the windy rainy night, the pregnant girl is found by Beningno and madame Guerrero in front of entrance door of the Guerrero’s residence. When the narration moves into the point, where the baby-girl is born, Isabel finally realizes, that the mysterious girl is Bernarda, the baby is her and the noble woman is madame Guerrero. Afer a short while, madame Guerrero tells the truth - she is not true mother of Isabel. Crying Bernarda confesses herself, that she is real mother of Isabel. Angry Isabel refuses to admit, she is daughter of Bernarda. Both Isabel’s mothers try to convince Isabel, that she is daughter of them, showing Isabel two birth certificates. After emotional argument among those three women, Isabel leaves the bedroom. Madame Guerrero reproaches Bernarda, that telling the truth to Isabel wasn’t correct and necessary. Isabel, wandering on streets of Buenos Aires, doesn’t pay attention to the traffic. She narrowly escapes car accident. In this moment, Corrado wakes up with shock and deep breath. He and his wife Mercedes run into Manuela’s bedroom to make sure, that Manuela is allright. Isabel, still wandering on streets of Buenos Aires, remeber herself about times spent in Los Angeles and about words, heard from Bernarda and madame Guerrero. Benigno enters the bedroom of madame Guerrero with tea. Bernarda prepares herself for searching of Isabel. Meanwhile, madame Guerrero stays in bed, tranquilized by Benigno. Fernando, spending time in café, accompanied by Teresa and Silvina, spots the Isabel behind the window. He runs outside the café and tries to calm Isabel down and pick her up with his car. Isabel leaves before he arrives. Emilio arrives to Guerrrero’s mansion and talking with Bernarda, he tries to understand, why Isabel left alone the house in the middle of the night. When Fernando returns into café, Teresa introduces him new guy, Juanjo, who is invited by her to their table. Other day in another café, Teresa and Juanjo are spotted by Marcello, who wants explanation from Teresa. She refuses any sort of explanation and they are finally break away from each other. Isabel is still wandering on streets, with head full of memories of the cliffhanger.
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