“Cymru Am Byth“ (1932)

Full title reads: “’Cymru Am Byth’ Teeming thousands - many hundreds had tramped over the mountains - make the Rhondda Valley echo & re-echo in great national welcome to ’her own Prince’.“ Rhondda Valley, Wales. Cheering crowds greet the arrival of Prince Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor). Closer shots of the Prince as he places a wreath at a small war memorial. C/U of Prince Edward standing with local civic dignitary. High angle shot of Prince and crowd as the people sing the National Anthem. Shots of male and female singers in a choir. (Quick cut back to the Prince). Pan across crowd as band march down the street leading a parade. C/U Prince Edward. The band play ’Land of Hope and Glory’ as they march past leading veterans and members of the Royal British Legion. (Quick C/U of Prince Edward). The veterans remove their hats as they march past the Prince. (Quick C/U of the Prince). More marching ex-servicemen. The Prince walks down the crowd lined stree
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