In this video I’m going to show you how to make a phenakistoscope in After Effects.
Well first, I’ll explain WHAT a phenakistoscope is (with no help whatsoever from Morgan Freeman), then try and fail to argue why you should make one yourself. Not for real (there are plenty of videos out there on that) but purely in After Effects. A digital cheat version if you will.
This isn’t a step by step tutorial more of a walk through of the project file, but unless you’re a complete beginner it will be enough for it to make sense. It’s not complicated to be fair.
But if you want more of a deep dive on any particular part you can refer to the full workflow videos:
► Part 1:
► Part 2:
I did an animation for the August 2023 Motion Collabs project. You can view the animation here:
My “thought process” was very much not going beyond first thoughts:
Being a basic film nerd my mind immediately went to the 80s film The Octagon, starring Chuck Norris.
There’s an octagon in the film (well, duh) which reminded me a bit of a zoetrope, which in turn led me down a rabbit hole of picture researching old phenakistiscopes.
And well, that’s about it.
Hey, even if you don’t actually MAKE a phenakistoscope, at least you’ll know what one is and how to pronounce it.
► Download the free project file:
00:00:00 - What is a phenakistoscope?
00:00:20 - How do they work?
00:01:15 - Why make a phenakistoscope?
00:01:35 - No really, why?
00:01:53 - Free gumroad project
00:02:39 - Blank paper disc
00:05:37 - Bevel and Emboss layer style
00:06:02 - Composition size
00:06:43 - Looping footage
00:07:08 - Distributing images round the disc
00:07:24 - Disc rotation
00:08:10 - Emulate phenakistoscope effect
00:08:26 - Posterize Time
00:09:13 - Wiggle expression
00:10:54 - Idea for your next meeting
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