The quickest way to shoot and edit a cinematic hyper-lapse b-roll in premiere pro. I show you behind the scenes on how I shoot a hyper-lapse. Camera settings, the gear you need, how to pick the right location and post-production in Lightroom & Premiere Pro. Thanks to Tourism Ireland and Tourism Northern Ireland for the support while creating in Ireland. 🎬 THIS VIDEO WAS COLORED USING MY “PUNCHY VIBES” LUT: 📸 MY LIGHTROOM PRESETS: 🎬 CREATOR TITLE PACK: 🚀 “HAU TO“ SUBSCRIBE: 👉 👈 🎥 FREE DIGITAL ASSETS (Presets, Luts, Business Templates) - ———LET’S BE INTERNET FRIENDS——— 💌 SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER FREE DIGITAL ASSETS - 📸 INSTAGRAM: 🐦 TWITTER: https:/
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