We are excited to catch you up on what we’ve been working on over the past few weeks! From our upcoming Struthiomimus TLC, new foliage concepts and homecave decorations, client optimisation updates, and loads more!
Check out our full blog for our latest news here!:
Struthiomimus TLC
Struthiomimus returns with brand new updates to its model, animations and a huge expansion to its range of abilities that give Struthiomimus players a new leash on life!
Directional Tail Attacks
Directional tail attacks are in progress, a highly requested feature that allows certain dinosaurs to aim attacks in the direction you are facing in-game!
When Critters Attack!
Our aggressive Critter AI is making progress, allowing critters to not only spawn on their own, but also chase down and attack small dinosaurs!
Extinction Skin Pack Out Now
Finally, we wanted to let you know that a new skin pack has been released this month, in celebration of National Dinosaur Day!
Thank you for your continued support, and we’ll see you again next month!
For more information please check out:
Visit the store at:
Path of Titans is a cross-platform indie game with MMO questing, where players choose from 30 dinosaur species and survive, explore, and thrive through life cycle events and social gaming. Find and build a home cave within Panjura, the first of several 8km x 8km maps. Explore our open sandbox, or extend gameplay through an extensive system of MMO questing adventures for the menagerie of air land and sea dinosaurs, with rewards and incentives from egg to adult. Available on Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, and all Consoles.
#pathoftitans #lambeosaurus #dinosaur #Struthiomimus
1 view
9 months ago 00:06:18 1
Struthiomimus TLC Released! - June Dev Blog
9 months ago 00:03:38 33
Обновлённая 3D модель струтиомима - Path of Titans