Lambeo TLC Released and More! - April Dev Blog

We are very excited to announce that after several months of work, we have released the update to bring Path of Titans to Unreal Engine 5.3! It includes a number of important fixes and improvements that we are using to bring the game to new heights! Read more here: Lambeosaurus TLC Released Our Lambeosaurus TLC is also ready to head out the door! This TLC update brings new life to an old hadrosaur, with updated proportions, animations, and textures that make it look like a brand new dinosaur. A couple of its older skins, (Default, Swamp, and Barred) have also been updated as well to match ...its new look, so we’re excited to see what you think! New Abilities Lambeosaurus is not the only creature getting some love! Some of our newer creatures have also received some new abilities to improve their gameplay and player experience, based on feedback both from players and our own observations since their release days. Underwater Effects We have also updated our underwater effects, adding ripples and shafts of light that will change with the direction of the sun. Oceans feel more realistic than ever, and allow swimmers to feel the cool currents and beams of light shine through the murky waters. What’s Next? Struthiomumus TLC We are making great progress on the Struthiomimus TLC, and its remodel and animations improvements are wrapping up! Game Modes Our next big focus is on finishing and releasing our game modes. We have already tested them comprehensively, and have only a few minor adjustments to make before they are ready for everyone to play. We have also ensured that the game modes are actually fully compatible and stackable with other mods made by the community. More Players Per Server With this patch we have already implemented a very dramatic improvement to server performance. Previously, once a server reached about 80 players, its tick rate would begin to drop to 15ms or so, which resulted in players rubber-banding around when making sharp turns or moving quickly. However, with this heavy optimization pass we have managed to bump servers up to being able to handle 200 players with a tick rate of about 25ms, which is perfectly playable. We aren’t quite yet finished with optimization, and we think there are still some further improvements we can make server-side. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your support as we continue to work on Path of Titans, and are excited to show you what we’ve been up to in the next blog, thanks for watching! For more information please check out: Visit the store at: Path of Titans is a cross-platform indie game with MMO questing, where players choose from 30 dinosaur species and survive, explore, and thrive through life cycle events and social gaming. Find and build a home cave within Panjura, the first of several 8km x 8km maps. Explore our open sandbox, or extend gameplay through an extensive system of MMO questing adventures for the menagerie of air land and sea dinosaurs, with rewards and incentives from egg to adult. Available on Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, and all Consoles. #pathoftitans #lambeosaurus #struthiomimus #dinosaur
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