1980s Brussels, Traffic, Streets, Trams, Belgium from 35mm

1980s Brussels, Traffic, Streets, Trams, Belgium from 35mm from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. To order the clip clean and high res for your commercial project or to find out more visit . Available in 4K. Clip ref CHX1357. Subscribe for more high quality, rare and inspiring clips from our extensive archive of footage. 1980s BELGIUM Brussels, traffic on main road. Grey weather, rain. Street scene Brussels. Various takes Brussels including POV from car and shots from trams. Brussels street scenes, trams, square. Pull back from upper storeys of Hilton Hotel to end on Brussels street scene traffic/trams, pedestrians Etc. Various street scenes Brussels - circa 1970 LA ZI on Hilton Hotel. Kinolibrary is a commercial archive film agency supplying high quality, rare and inspiring footage to media professionals. Our collections cover a wealth of eclectic and intriguing themes, locations and eras. Visit for more info. WEBSITE: http
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