3D Peony Flower - Floral embroidery - Floral stitches

3D Peony Flower Floral embroidery - Floral stitches Subscribe to my Patreon DMC - Peony - DMC 744 4 strands - 00:01 Petal from 3 loops - 1 row of petals - 1:15 DMC 819 6 strands Petal from 3 loops - 2 row of petals - 2:14 DMC 818 6 strands Petal from 6 loops - 3 row of petals - 4:33 DMC 3326 (776) 6 strands Petal from 12 loops - 4 row of petals (3 Petals) - 6:43 DMC 962 6 strands Leaf - DMC 522 6 strands, - 9:36 DMC 524 6 strands - 11:14 Stitches padding - 00:01 Satin stitch - 0:11, 10:31 French knot - 0:53 Cast on stitch (10 LOOPS) - 9:12 Stem stitch Thanks for watching and like! Similar video 3D Embroidery - Graceful bouquet rose and wildflowers - simple idea 3D Rose New design Dimensional Embroidery - double padding Welcome to my second channel @Malina_GM EXCLUSIVE
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