Motte-and-Bailey Castles - a Journey Through Time

The motte-and-bailey castle was the original castle design and it was immensely popular for nearly 200 years. This animation will take you back in time letting you explore a typical motte-and-bailey castle with all its features and defensive structures. Here are some interesting facts about motte-and-bailey castles: The motte-and-bailey castles consisted of a wooden or stone keep that was placed on a raised earthwork called a motte, overlooking an enclosed courtyard called the bailey. Originally constructed using only timber and earth, they were relatively inexpensive and straightforward to build, without the need for elaborate designs. The motte-and-bailey castles were true European innovations. Motte-and-bailey castles were a decisive factor in the Normans’ successful conquest of the British Isles. As William the Conqueror advanced through England, he strategically constructed motte-and-bailey castles to fortify critical positions and solidify control over the conquered territories. Despite the simple design, motte-and-bai leys had excellent defensive capabilities. They were extremely cheap and easy to build; the construction didn’t require any special materials and could be carried out by unskilled men. As a result, the entire castle could be raised in a matter of weeks, allowing the Normans to quickly consolidate their power, and then move on and conquer the next region. We want to thank Beanbox Animation for this historical animation.
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