Honduran White Bats Are the Cutest

They’re one of only two white bat species (other bats are brown or black), but Honduran white bats definitely take the crown for cuteness. These frugivore bats only eat figs. The figs lead to a buildup of carotenoid pigment, which gives Honduran white bats’ ears and noses their distinctive orange-yellow color. These bats are the only mammal that can store such high levels of carotenoid pigment, making Honduran white bats a wonder to scientists. And are these little cuties endangered? And how could Honduran white bats help treat macular degeneration? 00:00 Honduran white bats 00:34 Bite-sized bats 00:57 Fig diet 01:45 Bat habitat 01:59 Leaf tents Questions or concerns? Contact us at Produced by the makers of What If. Check out our other channels: What If - How to Survive: Your Body on: Crazy Creatures presents the incredible wonders of animal diversity and takes you to some of the most remote and hostile corners of the globe in order to find the ugliest, slimiest and downright weird creatures that grace the planet. An Underknown show: Contact us at #CrazyCreatures #HonduranWhiteBat #TinyBats #MacularDegeneration #Carotenoid
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