Sportshots No 22 - Tope Fishing (1933)

(Pathetone main titles). Titles read: “Sportshots No. 22. Popular sports & pastimes under the Cine-Camera lens. Tope Fishing“. Hastings, East Sussex. C/U of Charles Eade (sports writer of Sunday Express) superimposed on the above title card; he introduces himself. Several shots of the beach at Hastings, where fishermen are mending nets that have been damaged by tope fish. We hear that this member of the shark family causes problems for the fishermen by chasing mackerel and herring into the nets, then damage them by trying to struggle free. Two men set off in a small boat to hunt the tope with a rod and line. A mackerel is used as bait, and the man gets a bite. The tope rolls over and over in the water beside the boat, trying to get free, and eventually tires itself out. It is lifted onto the boat. Another is caught. Back on land, five tope are weighed and hung on a line along with some kind of flat fish. Note: tope are also known as dogfish. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PA
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