Press Chengqi point

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. Press Chengqi point Good for all eye problems 7-10 minutes a day Chengqi point is the first point of the stomach meridian, and Yang Qiao vessel, Ren vessel intersect. Because it is close to the eye, the meridians are closely connected to the eye, so stimulating this point can clear the eye garbage and blockage, and promote blood circulation. All eye problems, such as redness, inflammation, cataracts, presbyopia, astigmatism, night blindness, etc. can be relieved by pressing Chengshi point. The eyes are the Windows to the liver, and when the liver meridians are blocked or the blood supply is insufficient, the eyes become sick. Therefore, we must maintain the liver, eat clean food, don’t stay up late, take less medicine, and keep a good mood. The body is an intelligent living system, we must learn to properly maintain it, if you do no
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