Banish blocks & negative energy 432hz 1 hour meditation music reduce stress enhance creativity, calm
1 hour no interruptions 432hz ambient meditation music designed to remove blockages & toxicity, elevate spirit energy and enhance creativity and positive energy. The mandala kitty and solar radiance content pair with the sound healing to raise positive vibrations and blow through negative considered the optimal sound for the heart and soul, pleases all ears and provides backdrops to meditate, do yoga, lower stress, rest your mind and remove negative, churning thoughts and promote relaxation, calm spirit, clear mind and increased creative and energetic levels.
Due to more harmonic and pleasant nature of 432Hz music than 440Hz, it helps in the release of serotonin and endorphins, which helps to remove the negative energy blockages and act as a good sound healing tool to release toxins. Radiant solar imagery raises elevation and vibrations as it washes light frequencies out designed to banish negativity that might surround you and hold you back from high creative and lucky states. Play this