Li Gundê Kil Cibrîn ya Ezazê Çateyek Hat Kuştin 3 Çete Jî Birîndar Bûn

To the press and public opinion The Turkish occupation army and its affiliated mercenaries have recently increased their artillery attacks on the region. The response operations were conducted by our forces between 14 and 19 of August, within the framework of our legitimate defense against those attacks. On 14 August, a mercenary was killed in a sniping action in the town of Marê. On the same day, another mercenary was killed and three others were wounded in the operation carried out in the village of Kil Cibrin in Ezaz. On 15 August, in the village of Keferxuş, close to Ezaz, our forces carried out an operation that targeted with heavy weapons a Turkish army base. The number of killed and wounded enemies is not clarified. On 16 August, a mercenary was killed and a motorbike was destroyed in a sabotage action in Cindirês sub-district. On 19 August, in the village of Gobel in Afrin, our forces carried out an operation destroying a Turkish army vehicle. After the action, the enemy collected the bodies, t
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