Igor EVARD -“TIME“ - classic crossover - lyrics by - Official Music Video
Dear friends! The video for Igor Evard’s classic crossover “Time“ closes the triad of clips for classic crossovers included in the debut studio music album “Rainbow Bride”.
The work is written on the words of the poet and linguist Anton Brezhestovsky. The vocal part was performed by the soloist of the New Opera and the art project “Tenor of the XXI Century“ Sergey Pisarev.
In semantic terms, the music video “Time“ can be considered a continuation of the “Starlight“. The plot of this dilogy is looped, the rondo technique is used. The main idea of the new video is that if you help the world, then it helps you in return.
You can watch “Time“ by reviewing the previous video for the “Starlight“ crossover, or go back to “Starlight“ after. We invite you to admire again the brilliant acting of Agatha Nigrovskaya and Igor Evard himself, the beauty of nature in the frame and the accuracy of angles. The creators of this video set themselves an ambitious goal - to explain one of the greatest mysteries of the universe and inspire viewers with a touching story of its salvation by man. Whether it turned out to realize this idea is up to you!
One winter night
When day died quickly
And darkness gripped me
In endless snow
I stumbled
To lay my head I longed
Then in the distance flicked a light
And in that shelter
I fell asleep
And heard distant voices:
“Time is the king
Time sets the measure
For every sand grain,
All galaxies, all stars
The universe obeys
The never-ending pace of time
But in this box
You have the key
to rule time,
to tame time!”
And then
I was awake
with key in hand,
And at a loss I stared...
Shall I propel it forth?
Expand or shrink?
Or roll it back?
And I felt like a grain of sand,
And wept,
And let it go...
And Key
Was gone.
Tempus regit
Hunc mundum
Terram et mare
Harenas et stellas
Hic est ordo
Take This
Use This
And you
Will rule
The time.
The ruler of Time
The master of Time!
Hold it and use it!
Right now, or it will be
Now! Or it will be gone,
It will melt!
Time needs a master,
not a slave,
To mould it, to bind it!
Tempus regit
mundum undiquesecus.
Ordo universalis,
Hic regit.
Tempus regit.
Igor Evard- the author’s music channel
★ classical crossovers
★ romances
★ academic music
Igor Evard is a member of the Union of Composers of Russia, laureate of music competitions, editor-in-chief of the All-Russian music and information newspaper “We play from the beginning. Da capo al fine“, creator of the unified information system “Music and Culture“, holder of the Order of M. Balakirev “For selfless service to the art education of Russia“, president of the international contemporary music competition “Composer of the XXI century“.
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