Amistad is a MUSIC-VIDEO in which the reality and fantasies of a professor and a student are contrasted. In dancing their confrontation, they are embodied in harmony.
Igor Evard- the author’s music channel
★ classical crossovers
★ romances
★ academic music
Igor Evard is a member of the Union of Composers of Russia, laureate of music competitions, editor-in-chief of the All-Russian music and information newspaper “We play from the beginning. Da capo al fine“, creator of the unified information system “Music and Culture“, holder of the Order of M. Balakirev “For selfless service to the art education of Russia“, president of the international contemporary music competition “Composer of the XXI century“.
Youtube channel
4 years ago 00:00:24 20
Igor Evard - Starlight (teaser)
4 years ago 00:03:52 42
Igor EVARD Starlight
4 years ago 00:04:10 14
Igor EVARD - MARBELLA (Official Music Video)
4 years ago 00:00:53 10
Igor EVARD Marbella teaser 1
4 years ago 00:02:50 49
Igor EVARD «Баллада морской воды» (live, soloist Viktoria Shevzova)
4 years ago 00:19:05 6
Igor EVARD - Marbella (BACKSTAGE)
4 years ago 00:05:31 5
Igor EVARD “Time“
5 years ago 00:05:33 9
Rainbow bridge composer Igor Evard
4 years ago 00:02:34 10
Igor Evard “Fairy tale“ - words by , performed by I. Evard
3 years ago 00:04:10 1
Igor EVARD - Marbella (composer I. Evard, poems by )
3 years ago 00:04:37 2
Igor EVARD - AMISTAD - Words by E. Golodyaevskaya
4 years ago 00:03:23 1
Igor Evard - Marbella (live, soloist Sergey Pisarev)
4 years ago 00:03:16 2
Igor Evard “Encounter“ words by E. Golodyaevskaya, N. Bystrova (vocals), M. Yegorova (piano) (live)
4 years ago 00:02:48 11
Igor Eward “There are speeches“ - words by M. Lermontov, performed by I. Eward
4 years ago 00:04:06 5
Igor Eward «Prayer» (live, words of M. Lermontov, performed by Evgenia Sotnikova, Sergey Chechetko)
4 years ago 00:04:59 12
Igor Eward - Verlaine (live, G. Lorca, transl. by M. Samaev, soloists E. Sotnikova, S. Chechetko)
4 years ago 00:02:49 16
Igor Eward “After so many years“ - words by M. Lermontov, performed by I. Eward (live)
4 years ago 00:14:13 6
Соната для скрипки и ф-но в 3-х частях - муз. Игоря Еварда
4 years ago 00:02:14 8
“Заговорилось о любви“ музыка Игоря Еварда, слова В. Ионова
4 years ago 00:05:20 2
Time - муз. Игоря Еварда, сл. Антона Брежестовского, аранж. Ильи Меламеда, исп. Сергей Писарев
3 years ago 00:43:09 17
Позитивный заряд от Ольги Калашниковой. Amistad
14 years ago 00:12:46 293
Евард Игорь. Квартет №2. В составе: Новикова Юлия, Моисеева Мария, Дмитрий Дёмин, Тимур Колодяжный.