Кондак Иверской иконы Божией Матери. Знаменный распев.

Распев храма святителя Николая с. Тарногский Городок, Набор Е. Нечипоренко. Also on THE 31st DAY OF THE MONTH OF MARCH COMMEMORATION OF THE APPEARANCE OF THE WONDER-WORKING IMAGE OF THE ALL-HOLY THEOTOKOS, KNOWN AS THE IVERON ICON, OR THE KEEPER OF THE GATE Kontakion, in Tone VIII— Even though thy holy icon was cast into the sea by the widow who was unable to save it from the foe, O Theotokos, yet hath it been shown to be the preserver of Mount Athos and the gate-keeper of the Monastery of Iveron, frightening away the enemy and delivering from all misfortunes and dangers those who honor thee in our homeland. На Утрене Кондак Пресвятой Богородице пред иконой Ея «Иверской», глас 8 А́ще и в мо́ре вве́ржена бысть свята́я ико́на Твоя́, Богоро́дице,/ от вдови́цы, не могу́щия спасти́ сию́ от враго&
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