Церковнославянский язык и его значение.

«Церковнославянский язык и его значение в нашей жизни». Писатель В.Д. Ирзабеков Ирзабеков Василий Давыдович филолог-языковед, писатель, директор Православного центра во имя св.Луки (Войно-Ясенецкого), литературный редактор журнала “Шестое чувство“. Описание события за 898 год в Повести временных лет: «Михаил-царь созвал всех философов и пересказал им слова словенских князей. И сказали философы: «Есть муж в Селуни по имени Лев, и есть у него сыновья, знающие язык словенский, и мудрые два сына у него и философы». Услышал это царь, послал за ними в Селун к Льву, говоря: «Пошли к нам сыновей своих Мефодия и Константина». Услышал это Лев и сразу же послал их. И пришли к царю, и сказал им царь: «Это обратилась ко мне словенская земля, прося учителя себе, который мог бы истолковать святые книги, потому что желают». И упросил их царь, и послал их в славинскую землю к Ростиславу, и Святополку, и Коцелу. Эти прибывшие начали сочинять письмена азбуковные словенские и перевели «Апостол» и «Евангелие», и рады были словины, услышавшие величие божие на своем языке». “Church Slavonic language and its meaning in our life.“ Writer V.D. Irzabekov Irzabekov Vasily Davydovich philologist-linguist, writer, director of the Orthodox Center in the name of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), literary editor of the magazine “Sixth Sense“. Description of the event for 898 in the Tale of Bygone Years: “Tsar Michael summoned all the philosophers and told them the words of the Slovenian princes. And the philosophers said: “There is a man in Seluni named Leo, and he has sons who know the Slovenian language, and he has two wise sons and philosophers.” The king heard this and sent for them to Selun to Leo, saying: “Send your sons Methodius and Constantine to us.” Leo heard this and immediately sent them. And they came to the king, and the king said to them: “It was the Slovenian land that turned to me, asking for a teacher for themselves who could interpret the holy books, because they wish.” And the king begged them and sent them to the Slavinsky land to Rostislav, and Svyatopolk, and Kotsel. These arrivals began to compose alphabetic Slovenian letters and translated “Apostle” and “Gospel”, and the Slovins were glad to hear the greatness of God in their language.” Description of the event for 898 in the Tale of Bygone Years: “Tsar Michael summoned all the philosophers and told them the words of the Slovenian princes. And the philosophers said: “There is a man in Seluni named Leo, and he has sons who know the Slovenian language, and he has two wise sons and philosophers.” The king heard this and sent for them to Selun to Leo, saying: “Send your sons Methodius and Constantine to us.” Leo heard this and immediately sent them. And they came to the king, and the king said to them: “It was the Slovenian land that turned to me, asking for a teacher for themselves who could interpret the holy books, because they wish.” And the king begged them and sent them to the Slavinsky land to Rostislav, and Svyatopolk, and Kotsel. These arrivals began to compose alphabetic Slovenian letters and translated “Apostle” and “Gospel”, and the Slovins were glad to hear the greatness of God in their language.”
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