The Black Room Sessions is a groundbreaking show that moves the interaction between artists and the audience to a whole new level. Musicians and the audience consolidate to form a live music experience like no other creating a unique and energetic synergy.
Munir Hossn is a very talented multi-instrumentalist that is accompanied by five fascinating women in this project. They showcased their musical talents to over 80 attendees who allowed themselves to be part of this great musical experience that was produced by the team of professionals at Light F/X Studios.
Munir Hossn (@muni
...rhossn) - Guitar / Bass / Vocal
Yuya Rodríguez (@) - Percussion
Franchesca Romero (@frenchy_romero) - Piano
Ana Paz (@anapazmusic) - keyboard / Vocal
Magela Herrera (@mgelaherrera) - Flute / Vocal
Yissy Garcia (@) - Drums
The Black Room Session Team:
General Production: Light FX Studios Complex
Recording & Mastering: Javier CasasShow more