[animated PMV] INFINITE [by Drowning鱼]

[Bilibili repost] Translated description: This is a hard project, and there are many places where I deleted again and again because I couldn’t make it to my liking. This is my final result. I can only make it like this. It is basically a reinterpretation of 7:20 of the S3E02, where Twilight was watching into Sombra’s door, according to my ideas. There is no deep plot and no hidden Easter eggs. The reason why I made this PMV is simply because I was listening to music one day. The prelude of this music reminded me of the scene in the show, and felt very suitable, so I started to make it. I didn’t expect to finish it while making it. I wanted to make a PMV when I first entered the fandom, but I couldn’t make it for various reasons. Later, I started two PMVs but gave up both after doing a little. This time I finally made one, which also fulfilled a long-term small goal of mine. I don’t know when the next video will be released. It may be half a year later, or two years later. It depends on whether I can hear a piece of music that inspires me or come up with some other ideas. In fact, every video I update may be the last one, so watch it and cherish it (lol Finally, if you are curious about how this PMV is made, here is the download address of the project file Original description: 这把尽力局,有好多地方都是因为做不出来然后删了再删,最后也就只能做成这样了。 剧情讲的是小马正剧第三季第二集7分20秒左右的地方,相当于是按照我的想法重置了一下,没有什么深层剧情,也没有藏什么彩蛋。之所以会做这个PMV单纯是因为有天我在听音乐,这首音乐的前奏让我联想到正剧这个场景并且感觉非常搭配,于是乎就开始做了,没想到做着做着就做完了。 起老早刚入圈的时候就很想做一个PMV,但是因为各种原因一直做不出来,后来有两个都动工了但是做了一点还是弃坑了。这次终于终做了一个出来,也是圆了我一个很久远的小目标了吧。 我也不知道下一个视频会在什么时候,有可能是在半年后,有可能还是在两年后,主要看我哪一天还能不能天时地利人和的听到某一首让我有灵感的音乐或者是脑子一抽想到一些别的点子,其实我的每一个更新的视频都有可能是最后一个视频,所以且看且珍惜(不是 最后的最后如果你很好奇这个PMV是怎么做的,这里是工程文件的下载地址 /s/1JZHhL6joKyqVqJu-a6Q2VA?pwd=yuuu ---- Subscribe for weekly (or more) uploads from within the Chinese Internet! YouTube is not accessible from within China, and navigating the Chinese internet is hard if you don’t speak Chinese. I upload quality short videos (mostly animation, mostly pony), with translations and context. Here is a spreadsheet of some vocabulary you might use to surf and understand Bilibili. Heavily pony-centered, of course. ---- Reuploaded with permission. Original title: [小马宝莉自制动画PMV] INFINITE Original uploader: Drowning鱼 Original url: Original upload time: 2024-07-21 10:43:33 ---- My links
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