Hi guys, as I promised, here is the video. This is the story, for those who have not read The rise of Scourge, of a cat who becomes bad to be exact is one of the main anthoginists of the Warrior Cats saga. He becomes evil because of his brother Socks and his sister Ruby who continuously mistreated him and tigerclaw who almost mortally wounds him, thus fueling his thirst for revenge by making him a piece of ice.
I tried to create the video while remaining as faithful as possible to the manga in which his story is told. Some concepts are missing and it is in fact for this reason that my video must be seen and analyzed as an illustrated summary of The rise of Scourge and not an animation as great other artists have done before me!
What is original, that is, made by me are the drawings, the design of the scenes and the coloring and design of the characters.
P.S. I know! Scourge is a bit emo you see I met Warrior Cats when this style was in vogue, it belongs to my childhood and that’s why I decided to include it a bit in all designs. 😆
While for the idea of the backgrounds and the narrative style I took inspiration from @롼니_Lonely especially from his video “Yes I killed Him“. Below you can see his video put in the description.
The song is I’m A Wanted Man by Royal Deluxe.
Last warning: the video is a bit raw so if you don’t feel like it don’t watch it, I even wrote it at the beginning of the video!
I hope you like it and I just have to tell you good vision! 🥰
If you have doubts about what you see or want to ask me questions, don’t be afraid to comment!
31 view
5 months ago 00:04:05 1
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5 months ago 00:00:37 1
Что вы за люди? Сами сбежали, а кота в доме закрыли. Настоящие рашисты. #shorts