⁴ᴷ⁶⁰ Walking Moscow: from Ploshchad’ Nikitskiye Vorota to Tverskoy Boulevard and Tverskaya Street

We invite you to walk with us in Moscow from the Ploshchad’ Nikitskiye Vorota to the Tverskoy Boulevard and Tverskaya Street. Enjoy this walk with us! Google Maps Route: *TIMECODES* 00:00 - Beginning 00:08 - Fontan-Rotonda “Aleksandr I Natali“ (Fountain-Rotunda “Alexander and Natalie“) 00:29 - Tverskoy Boulevard 01:34 - Central Research Institute of Economics, Informatics and Control Systems 01:59 - Tverskoy Boulevard 03:31 - House-Museum M.N. Ermolovoy 03:58 - Tverskoy Boulevard 06:04 - Moskovskiy Khudozhestvennyy Akademicheskiy Teatr Im. M. Gor’kogo (Moscow Art Academic Theater. M. Gorky) 06:21 - Monument to Sergey Esenin 07:14 - Teatr Imeni Pushkina (Theater named Pushkin) 07:47 - A. M. Gorky Literary Institute 08:10 - Tverskoy Boulevard 10:10 - Cafe Pushkin 11:38 - Tverskaya Street
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