PSO2 NGS Cocoon First Step Gameplay 1440p Ultra Settings

Disclaimer: Not a pro, tried to learn as much as I could. This will primarily be your first Cocoon quest. This shows you the basics on running, wall jumping, gliding, photon blasts, what is a Cocoon, and what type of objectives you will face in them. Just like a Cocoon, you will be granted a Skill Point for clearing it (1 per Cocoon). PC Specs Ryzen 5 3600 RTX 3080 32 GB Ram Played on a 1440p 165hz monitor 0:00 Attack Basics 0:52 Wall Kick Basics 1:14 Updraft Glide Basics 2:06 Photon Blast Subscribe or something idk ​​​​​​ I never stream #PSO2 #NGS​ #CBT​
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