PSO2 NGS Gunner Gameplay 1440p Ultra Settings

Disclaimer: Not a pro, tried to learn as much as I could. Gunner plays around a skill called Chain Trigger. Chain Trigger can be activated by charging any of your Photon Arts and landing it on an enemy. In order to inact a Chain Finish, you have to charge any of your Photon Arts and land it on an enemy once more, then your ATTACKS gets boosted damage for a limited time. Any UNCHARGED Photon Arts will not activate your Chain Finished, only a CHARGED Photon Art will. The general goal is to build up your Chain Trigger as high as possible, ideally 100. The higher your Chain Count, the more damage you will do during Chain Finish and the less cooldown it will have. The difference between NGS Chain Trigger compared to OG PSO2 chain trigger is that the chain is around you now, so you cannot lose your chain even if an enemy dies or a part breaks. Another difference is that it boosts any of your damage sources, so even normal attacks. Gunners have step/dodge counters, but it doesn’t build up your chain as fast as yo
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