From the album “a hail of bitter almonds“
Floriana Cangiano (voice)
Riccardo Prencipe (classic and acoustic guitar)
Duncan Patterson (mandolin)
Alfredo Notarloberti (violin)
Alessio Sica (drums)
Umberto Lepore (fretless bass)
Music and Lyrics (R. Prencipe - SIAE)
Mixed and recorded by Claudio Esposito (Starlight Studio - Naples)
Mastering by George Marino (Sterling sound studio - New York)
La gioia di vivere
Ieri notte ho sognato che assistevamo a un funerale nel mare. All’inizio ero attonito. Poi pieno di rimpianti. Ma tu m’hai sfiorato un braccio e hai detto: “no, va tutto bene. Era molto vecchia, e poi lui l’ha amata tutta la vita“.
(Raymond Carver)
Gli uomini,
folletti che...
che sciupano
i sogni,
come le
misure che
i sogni,
a quei giorni,
vissuti insieme
o tremoli
di luci in mare
(Danzatrici di Ruvo
Mano nella mano,
come gli angeli di Giotto
e i canti degli anziani)
le enfasi
istantanee sono
ma gli entusiasmi,
quelli veri,
son pieni
di rughe.
La gioia di dare
a chi non chiede niente,
a te che senti
le mie emozioni
prima di me.
Resta un’anima di carta
che si accende in cielo,
la mia anima ha una scia,
quella scia sei tu.
---english translation---
The joy of living
... last night I dreamt we were watching a burial at sea. At first I was astonished. And then filled with regret. But you touched my arm and said, “No, it’s all right. She was very old, and he’d loved her all her life.
(Raymond Carver)
Men, imps that... that spoil dreams, like the measures that measure dreams, I love to think of those days,
lived together
like evening stories, or tremolos of lights at sea (Ruvo dancers Hand in hand, like Giotto’s angels and the songs of the graybeards)
the instantaneous emphases are hollows, but enthusiasms, real ones, are full of furrows.
The joy of giving to whom asks for nothing, to you who feel my emotions before me. Remains a soul of paper which ignites in the sky, my soul has a trail, that trail is you.
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