Atmospheric Watercolour Flower Painting Poppy Field For Beginners Tutorial

This is a step by step tutorial of a poppy field. Suitable for beginners and fun to do! Why not give it a go and paint along! Would you like to learn more about watercolour painting? Check out my Patreon membership: - includes ad free content, EXCLUSIVE TUTORIALS and sketch outlines etc... DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL FOR UPDATES OF MY LATEST VIDEOS AND HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL... Share your paintings: INSTAGRAM: My website: MATERIALS: (I use affiliate links and may earn a commission.) AMAZON US: AMAZON UK: JACKSONS ART SUPPLIES (10% Off Your First Order): Materials...: PAPER: W&N Watecolour paper block 300gms CP WINSOR & NEWTON FIELD BOX MASKING FLUID BRUSHES: Size 10 & size 4 round brush, Mop Brush TAPE PAINTS: Winsor & Newton: Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, Paynes Grey, Opera Rose, Cadmium Yellow, Quinacridone Gold. SPRITZER BOTTLE: Derwent Spritzer Bottle TWIG: The twig is from an apple tree, but you can use a twig from any tree. If it’s fresh from the tree, just let it dry out for a bit then just sharpen it with a pencil sharpener. WATERPOT Reference Photo: #watercolorflowerpainting #watercolorpaintinglesson #watercolourbeginners
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