Hometown Horses Idea to film this project came out super spontaneously. Estonian snowboarding community had legendary season opening party in the beginning of December and winter was already in full swing so it would have been shame to not use what “Mama Nature” offers.. Since Chris helped us out with our last project, decision to film next - was made in seconds. Pärnu is our hometown. Small city located South-West of Estonia, averagely 6 meters above the sea level on coast of the Baltic Sea. As you can imagine - it is flat as pancake. Although this “summer capital” offers plenty of decent rails - spots where my “street snowboarding game” started. Filming streets just in hometown has been on my mind already years and i am really happy that we managed to put it together in such a short period. In two weeks we went out 11 days, sometimes couple of spots per day but overall took it really easy and relaxed. I am stoked to see that same faces after decade are still willing to come out into cold and dark streets to shovel some snow, pull the bungee or press the record button just because of my dedication for snowboarding - that’s beautiful! I would like send greetings to everyone who were involved in this project! Thank you all, My biggest respect! Kenny FILMERS: Chris Tilk, Ken Põllu, Ron Arvisto, Marten Kikas, Henri Holland and Sten Aab. EDIT: Chris Tilk RIDERS: Ken Põllu, Ron Arvisto, Marko Malsub and Chris Tilk Also thanks to Sten for shoveling a bunch!
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