FLUTE REVIEW: Altus 1107 Artist Series ft. classic, Z, and V-cut headjoints

Playing and reviewing the Altus 1107 Artist Series flute, plus 4 Altus headjoints (classic cut, Z cut, V cut, and V cut with 14 karat gold riser and gold lip plate) all from the Flute Center of New York. This is a professional level handmade flute made from Britannia silver. Altus 1107 Artist Series flute: - ✨ Flute Center of New York info✨ - You can try this flute headjoints by setting up your own free trial using code “KTFL“: choose three flutes to try for free keep the flutes for 10 days free shipping 18 month warranty or email info@ 10% off flute sheet music- use code “KTFL“ 0...0:00 Flute Center of New York info 00:57 #flutelyfe intro 01:07 about the Altus 1107 02:15 different headjoint cuts 03:59 unboxing the flute 04:51 playing & first impr
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