Fix Symmetry in 3DS Max (all versions) using Morphix script

Morphix is a free script was only for 3DS Max 8-9. But it can be used any version of 3DS Max if you just copy paste the files in the correct folders. The below has been copy pasted from the comments section of the link below where you can download Morphix for 3DS Max Just extract the files from the .rar , then you will have to manually drop the .mse into the 3dsMax stdscripts subfolder C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\stdplugs\stdscripts and then drop the .mcr file into the 3dsMax MacroScripts folder. After that next time you restart Max you should see it under Category as MvH Tools (in Customize User Interface) and simply assign it to a hotkey and get to using it. (works for me and I’m using Max2016) If the above link does not work,
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