Pepper the robot uses inner speech to solve moral conflict

Researchers in Italy have programmed a robot called Pepper, made by SoftBank Robotics, with the ability to vocalise its thought process. This means the robot is no longer a ’black box’ and its underlying decision-making is more transparent to the user. In a series of experiments, the researchers sought to explore how this inner speech affects the robot’s actions. In one instance, it was decided the Pepper would help a human user set a dinner table in line with etiquette rules. When the human user asked Pepper to contradict the rules of etiquette by placing the napkin at the wrong spot, the robot started talking to itself, concluding that the human may be confused and enquiring whether it should proceed with the action. Once the user confirmed his request, the Pepper said to itself: “This situation upsets me. I would never break the rules, but I can’t upset him, so I’m doing what he wants,” placing the napkin in the spot requested.
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