Pres. Tubman Of Liberia In London (1962)

Unissued / Unused material - London. Var high angle shots as Royal party of Queen Elizabeth II, Duke of Edinburgh, Princess Margaret, Princess Marina, Duke & Duchess of Gloucester, enter interior of Victoria Station. Pan left as Diesel Pullman train pulls slowly to a halt at platform. MS As President Tubman of Liberia & his wife alight from train to be greeted by the Queen & Prince Philip. Pan with this party as they join Princesses Margaret & Marina, Duke & Duchess of Gloucester & Pres. Tubman is introduced to same by Queen. MS. & LS. as the President is introduced to Prime Minister Harold Macmillan & Alec Douglas-Home by the Queen. Also other high ranking members of forces. Pan from these as party leave station. MS Group of three high ranks including Lord Louis Mountbatten. MS Liberian & Union Jack flags crossed as part of station decorations. Various shots of Royal party as they stand under the veranda of station while National Anthems are played The Duke then escorts Pres. Tubman though ranks of cer
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