LIONESSES(라이오네시스) ’Like Christina taught me’ Official MV
[Lyric Subtitles]
한글, English, le français, das Deutsche, italiano, Português, español, 中文, 日本語, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, tiếng Việt, ภาษาไทย,
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Chief Product manager 담준(DAMJUN)
Chief Producer 담준(DAMJUN), 잔틴(Zantin)
Composed by 담준(DAMJUN), 잔틴(Zantin)
Lyrics by 담준(DAMJUN)
Arranged by 잔틴(Zantin)
Vocal Directed by 담준(DAMJUN)
Background vocals by 담준(DAMJUN), 강한(KANGHAN), 이말랑(Lee Malrang)
Recorded by 송이현
Track Tuned by 잔틴(Zantin)
Mixed by 잔틴(Zantin)
Mastered by 잔틴(Zantin)
-Music Video
-Music Video
Musicvideo Scenario by 담준(DAMJUN)
Musicvideo storyboard made by 담준(DAMJUN)
Musicvideo Directed by youngwoongkim
Musicvideo Camera Directed by youngwoong kim
Musicvideo Camera Operated by youngwoong kim
Musicvideo Light Directed by jae gyumin
Musicvidep Art Production designed by youngwoong kim, 담준(DAMJUN)
Musicvideo Edited by youngwoongkim, 담준(DAMJUN)
Hair&Make up Set by 스파드버니버니
담준 역 (Damjun cast) : 담준(DAMJUN) (@)
강한 역(Kanghan cast) : 강한(Kanghan) (@strong_kanghan)
이말랑 역(Lee Malrang cast) : 이말랑 (Lee Malrang) (@imalrang)
현규 역(Hyungyu cast) : 김권(Kim Kwon)
Album Artwork Designed by 담준DAMJUN
Album Artwork Edited by 담준DAMJUN
Promotion Sponsored by Jack’d Korea
본 앨범은 잭디코리아의 홍보 지원을 받습니다.
LIONESSES(라이오네시스) - Show me your pride Official MV
LIONESSES(라이오네시스) - Christmas Miracle Official MV
LIONESSES(라이오네시스) - Will you be my groom? MV
LIONESSES(라이오네시스) - Bon Voyage! MV
LIONESSES(라이오네시스) - 이상한 사랑에 빠진 소년에게 (Boy with strange love) MV
LIONESSES(라이오네시스) ’It’s OK to be me (with Mi-no)’ Official MV
LIONESSES.G(라이오네시스G) ’My Pretty (예쁘네, 오늘)’ Official MV
LIONESSES(라이오네시스) ’PAPYUN’ Official MV
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#라이오네시스 #LIONESSES #LIONESSESG #Kpop #KpopsfirstLGBTQboyband #라이오네시스G #Mypretty #LIONESSESPAPYUN #PAPYUN #gay #lgbtq #동성애 #게이 #퀘스처닝 #케이팝 #성소수자 #Pridemonth #Kpopgay #양성애 #바이 #바이섹슈얼 #Bisexsual #gayidol #KpopPride #LGBTPRIDE #LGBTQPRIDE #LGBTQAIPRIDE #이말랑 #Leemalrang #한국게이 #Kポップ #Kポップゲイ#ゲイ #K-POP同性愛 #同性愛 #両性愛 #性的少数者 #담준 #배담준 #DAMJUN #커버 #cover #vocal #보컬 #Showmeyourpride #Christmasmiracle #Willyoubemygroom #Bonvoyage #Boywithstrangelove #이상한사랑에빠지소년에게 #ItsOKtobeme #mypretty #파편 #PAPYUN #라이오네시스파편 #LIONESSESPAPYUN #Likechristinataughtme #Christinaaguilera #beautiful #Christinaaguilerabeautiful #michaeljackson #maninthemirror #Michaeljacksonmaninthemirror #Mariahcarey #Makeithappen #Mariahcareymakeithappen #whitneyhouston #greatestloveofall #whitneyhoustongreatestloveofall #BTS #방탄소년단 #Answerlovemyself #BTSlovemyself #윤복희 #Yoonbokhee #여러분 #윤복희여러분
1 view
9 months ago 00:04:16 1
LIONESSES(라이오네시스) ’Like Christina taught me’ Official MV
3 years ago 00:03:12 6
LIONESSES (라이오네시스) ’Show Me Your Pride’ Official MV