Bograch is a very hearty soup that has several types of meat. In nature or at home in the kitchen, the dish turns out to be very tasty.
Bograch is the national first dish of Hungarian cuisine. But just as the Hungarian population assimilated with Ukrainians in western Ukraine, the dish became an integral part of Transcarpathian cuisine.
Bograch is probably the most popular dish in Transcarpathia. This soup is most often found on the menu of various Zakarpattia restaurants. Bograch goulash is really a very tasty dish.
In translation, bograch means “a dish cooked in a cauldron“, so a bonfire is the best element for this type of goulash. Shepherds prepared bograch in field conditions from various types of meat that were at hand. But the most traditional the classic bograchu recipe is beef.
In order for the meat to really grind and become soft, you should throw all the ingredients into a cauldron and let it boil for several hours.
The recipe for bograchu on the bonfire
Beef - 1 kg,