Discover this useful technique which can help you to check, refine and perfect Illustrations. When you’re in the flow of drawing it can be hard to notice smaller details which are actually making a massive difference to your AW.
Watch as Martin uses Mirroring to help check his composition, then uses a few different tools in Photoshop to make quick but effective changes. Being able to use and apply this technique will be useful for aspiring illustrators or anyone looking to improve their drawing skills!
5 years ago 00:01:01 7
⚔ Mirroring | Photoshop CC Tutorial #125/365
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ЗАПАДНЯ ⚔ Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst #10
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Metaphor: ReFantazio — Announcement Trailer | Xbox Series X|S, Windows PC
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[Modern] BW Token Blade ⚔️ Mirror Matches + Tibalt Dark Days
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MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU! NEW Lightsaber Tutorial + Combo ft. @Kyberlight Sabers