He’s small but dangerous. The cool BEARDED MAN from a special stick. How I easy carving a face.

I used the only knife and my old tree branch from previous videos. I don’t throw it away. Be careful! She is small. This wood carving is dangerous, but this easy and short. When I want to fast whittling a small wooden sculpture, I carve a simple face. It is not only a wood spirit, but lots of brutal men like this one. A beard is the best for easy wood carving. When I carve this wooden figure I relaxed to sounds of woodworking and tried to convey it in my video. I hope you enjoy. I used this tree branch in my previous videos: 00:00 - I found a stick 00:14 – Wood whittling. A simple hat 01:17 - A nose and eyes – easy woodcarving 01:48 – His long moustache and long wood whittling 02:19 – I carve a simple mouth, cheeks and his eyes 02:55 – How I easy carve his thick beard 03:41 – The cool bearded man from the needless tree branch. Only knife.
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