Waterloo 200: the ultimate action cam video - 8eme de Ligne, french infantry side

Hello, my name is “Le Petiot“, a grenadier of the 8eme regiment de ligne, a french infantry reenactment group during the revolution and napoleonic wars. During the Ligny & Waterloo battle bicentenaries, I was involved in the reenactment combats. I filmed around 6 hours of movie rushes with a Go Pro Action Cam, directly in the middle of the bivouacs and the fights. Immediately after the battles, I already posted two shorts & dynamic videos of my experience. Two years after and now equipped with the latest iMac, I took the opportunity to prepare and to present you the long (145 minutes) movie version of our adventures. You will find here the followings parts : - 00:00 : The bivouac and battle of Ligny (last napoleon victory) - 00:30 : The bivouac of the 8eme de Ligne at Waterloo - 00:41 : A short visit to the allied camp at Hougoumont - 00:44 : The battle of Waterloo (first day) - 1:07:36 : The battle of Waterloo (second day) Very few music added, only
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