Sweet as Honey [Sladko, medeno] Сладко, медено

Music and Lyrics by Beinsa Duno /Peter Danov/ 1864-1944. Arrangement and performance by Todor Papazov-violin and piano. Recorded in 2023. Translation from the songbook “DEVOTIONAL SONGS: Compilation of Songs by the Master Beinsa Duno and His Disciples“, Amazon KDP, 2020. This song can be found in the above songbook and is available on Amazon using the link below: =tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= BG lyrics: Сладко медено, сладко медено, }2 медено, медено, сладко, медено. }2 От Слънцето изпратено, }2 от пчелите донесено. }2 Сладко медено, сладко медено }2 медено, медено, сладко, медено. }2 Translation: Sweet as honey. (2) Sent from the Sun, brought by the bees. (2) Sweet as honey. (2)
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