The famous physician Tue Tinh is my family’s great-grandfather Nguyen Ba for 19 generations.

Tue Tinh is the author of the famous books “Vietnamese medicinal herbs are extremely effective“ and “Hong Nghia giac tu y thu“, the first to promote the idea of “Vietnamese medicine cures the Vietnamese“, Hong Nghia giac tu y thu is the oldest book on medicine. in our country. His book series “Vietnamese Medicinal Herbs Are Extremely Effective“ introduces 580 medicinal herbs and 3873 treatments for 184 diseases. Tue Tinh’s saying, “Vietnamese medicine cures the Vietnamese,“ shows a very dialectical view of the intimate relationship between people and the environment. This view led him to the highest position in Vietnamese traditional medicine: God of Vietnamese medicine! Phone number 84908785667. I am extremely grateful and look forward to serving you, teachers and friends the very best. Best regards #Толя ДоНгуенТхиеу #OngNoiCuaChau # Nguyen Thieu Official #ThuocDangDaTat #KhiCongViet
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