Jetsun Milarepa lived from 1052-1135 and is until today considered one of the most famous yogi saints and poets of Tibet.
Milarepa was born in western Tibet and had a challenging childhood. His father died very early, and his uncle became his guardian, who, however, treated him and his mother very badly. Milarepa’s embittered mother urged him to learn black magic so that he could take revenge on his aunt and uncle.
When he used the learned powers, many of his relatives died in a house collapse caused by his black magic. He regretted this deed and developed a deep wish to practice the teachings of Buddha in order to purify himself from his negative imprints.
Milarepa set out to find a suitable teacher, whom he found in Marpa, the translator. For six years Milarepa had to endure extreme hardships before Marpa ever shared a single teaching with him. After this time, however, he received all the important transmissions of the Kagyu lineage, realized these teachings, and became the second lineage holder of the Kagyu tradition in Tibet.
Milarepa spent many years in various caves in the mountain solitude of the Himalayas. During this time he wrote countless songs, so-called dohas, which are expressions of his realization. They are collected in the 100,000 Songs of Milarepa.
His main students were Gampopa, the sun-like disciple, and Rechungpa, the moon-like disciple. Milarepa died at the age of 84.
His Mantra is
The mantra is a form of Guru Yoga and activates the qualities and blessings of Milarepa as a support to attain the Mahamudra state.
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Photo by Krivec Ales from Pexels
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